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How to Optimize Your 404 Error Page to Drive More Traffic

When anyone visits your website via a link you provided or a Google search, they hope to be directed to a particular post. But what if the page is not available? What happens when an excellent 404 error page greets them rather than the content they expected to see? The guest will frequently leave. They leave since your material isn’t there. Every website encounters 404 errors. It’s just the way the business is.

But it does not imply you should sit down and allow 404 error pages to forfeit your conversions.

If you fail to take them, your traffic will have a negative opinion of you. Nobody wants to be let down once they click on an internet link. We’re all looking for the most recent data as soon as possible.

As a result, 404 error pages have a high potential to make a lasting impression. If visitors realise they have arrived at a 404 error page on your website, they may never return. So, what are you going to do? Fortunately, a few methods exist to exploit 404 error pages to increase revenue.

What is a 404 error page, and why is it important?

How to Optimise Your 404 Error Page to Drive More Traffic

A 404 error is an HTTP status code showing the website’s server failed to locate the requested resource. In essence, the page does not exist on any given website. As a result, when someone visits it (typically through a misspelt or deleted link), they are greeted with an error page.

They frequently state “Not Found” and provide a primary error message.

This is a bad plan.

When people see this, they will instantly close the window. They will not attempt again since it takes time to re-enter the webpage into the URL bar.

It is significant because it occurs more frequently than you may imagine. When connecting back to someone, it’s too simple to misspell URLs. It occurs frequently.

Even a single character might result in a 404 error for your URL. Another typical problem is when outdated web pages on your site are deleted without employing a 301 redirect.

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Though you should address these problems on your site as soon as you uncover them, it’s also crucial to develop a 404 error page to assist users in locating what they’re searching for if they encounter this issue. When done correctly, 404 pages can improve SEO and enhance conversions. This is how.”

Ways to Optimize Your 404 Error Page

Clients are unwilling to see 404 pages, and businesses don’t want broken links because both result in lost sales possibilities. Here are a few ideas for improving error 404 pages.

Position your product

First and foremost? Make the most of your 404 page to properly position your product and services. Display a carefully selected group of your top-selling items, complete with links to each product, to customers. While prospective customers might not seek these specific things, this method allows users to move from your 404 error page to dynamic site pages.

A key point to remember is always to provide pictures. While links to items are preferable to none, links with graphics are significantly more efficient in enticing people to click.

Provide user feedback

You could also boost your 404 error pages by integrating product or service customer evaluations. This is the reason why: When visitors land on 404 sites, they are naturally irritated. They have no idea what happened wrong, but they know they failed to discover what they had been searching for. As a result, they’re already irritated, which reduces their probability of purchasing anything you’re offering.

However, by including a few well-chosen customer evaluations, you may alleviate the sting of the 404 page and redirect them to the page they’d like to see (and back on the path to conversion).

Obtain fresh clients

An apology at the top of your 404 error page is an excellent step. However, you can enhance 404 processes by creating new leads. This is how it works: Along with the “sorry, it doesn’t work” statement, provide a mechanism for customers to contact you or request a trial version of your product or service. Build a simple one-line script making new relationships.

Direct them in the right direction

Though you might not be able to tell precisely what clients were seeking when they arrived at your 404 page, you may make informed guesses. You may construct a list of popular customer search phrases that can assist in shaping your 404 design by using data obtained from your customer relationship management (CRM) and analytics systems. For instance, if you’re an apparel ecommerce store and your most frequent searches are “winter coats,” “rain jackets,” and “waterproof boots,” provide links to all three distinct groups on your 404 page to assist visitors find what they’re looking for.”

Maintain simplicity

Avoid dwelling on it when it relates to 404 pages. Sure, specify what went wrong and suggest an idea for fixing it, but refrain from composing lines detailing the problem and soliciting customers’ goodwill. Instead, simplify your apologies and provide a list of frequent (working) links to your website, including your main screen, search page, and assistance pages.

How to find 404 errors

How to check a 404 error on the website? You may use various programs to scan your website for 404 problems. I’ll go over the most successful ones with you.

Google Search Console 

 To fix the 404 error, open your Google Search Console profile and navigate to Diagnostics > Crawl Errors to get a list of all 404 pages. When you select “Not Found,” you’ll get an overview of all the URLs that resulted in a 404 error.

They have a broken link checker for WordPress

If you have a WordPress-powered website, you’re in luck. The Broken Link Checker WordPress plugin is a free plugin that analyses the entire site for broken links and evaluates their condition.


Since your 404 error page is a website component so it must be optimised, it increases conversions and drops in bounce rate. You can do several things to prevent visitors from leaving your 404 error page. You will always go right if you ensure your website offers a solution to assist visitors in getting out of this rut.