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How To Use Pinterest In Your SEO Strategy?

How To Use Pinterest In Your SEO Strategy

Soon after its 2010 launch, Pinterest became a go-to resource for those looking to swap DIY projects, tasty recipes, and stylish home improvement advice. 

Since then, the website’s focus has shifted from being a digital bulletin board to that of a visual search engine, making it an integral part of SEO. You can boost sales and increase awareness about your brand with minimal effort by using a Pinterest marketing strategy.

The Role of Pinterest in Search Engine Optimization

Pinterest is more than just another social networking platform; it’s a visual search engine that millions of people use daily, making it an essential part of any company’s search engine optimization strategy. The Pinterest community is far more extensive than you may realize. 

Pinterest’s potential for boosting your SEO efforts is through the stratosphere, with over 400 million active users and over 2 billion monthly searches. If you want to compare Pinterest rapidly to Google, consider that Google processes approximately 238 billion monthly searches. 

How To Use Pinterest In Your SEO Strategy

That’s ten times as many queries as Pinterest sees, but it’s still a sizable quantity for search engine optimization purposes. Pinterest users actively seek data, concepts, and creative sparks when they visit the platform.

Pins (Pinterest postings) evaluated by these individuals contain data that may be read by Pinterest and Google’s respective search engines. This is significant because your Pinterest pins might appear in organic Google search results.

How To Use Pinterest In Your SEO Strategy

Here are the 5 Pinterest SEO tips for using an effective Pinterest marketing strategy:

Optimize Your Pinterest Profile

The first thing to do is set up a Pinterest business account, just as with any other social media network nowadays. 

Users of Pinterest have the option of converting their accounts from personal to business profiles. It is recommended, however, to start fresh with a separate business account and customize it according to your company’s needs.

How To Use Pinterest In Your SEO Strategy

You should have at least one board where you’ll post your pins, a thorough “about you” section with relevant facts, a high-resolution logo, and a username optimized for search engines.

Regularly Use Pinterest

Using Pinterest consistently significantly influences the algorithm that Pinterest employs. It is an integral part of Pinterest’s marketing strategy. 

You won’t get the same results from pinning a few things to different boards every few days as you would from going in once a month and adding 20 new pins. 

It’s not enough to just pin consistently; you also need to pin at the proper times of day when creating and adding new pins.

No Pinning content without active engagement does not yield any SEO value. It is essential to be active on Pinterest when your target audience uses the site because engagement metrics determine where content is displayed in search results.

It’s vital to keep tabs on when your followers use Pinterest because the optimal time to publish may shift as the months and years pass.

Finding Relevant Keywords

Pinterest’s marketing strategy differs from website optimization; therefore, you will need more than general keyword research software to help you find the best terms. Google SEO and Pinterest SEO are two different things.

Luckily, Pinterest includes built-in features to assist you in learning more about the information people are looking for on the platform. 

Guided Search, for instance, works like Google’s autocompleting function by suggesting terms as you enter. Sofa-related recommendations include “sofa set designs,” “sofa table decor,” and “sofa design living rooms” when you search the word “sofa.”

You can also use the topics on Pinterest to discover keywords that your target audience finds interesting. The site’s category page presents over thirty categories, ranging from artists to women’s fashion.

You may get ideas for keywords to use in your pinboard search by clicking on a category and browsing some of the most popular pins in that section. SEO for Pinterest is different from Google SEO. If you think that links help SEO, yes.

Add Pins Only on Relevant Boards

Years may pass, but your original pin will always be linked back to the board where it was first created, even if it has been spread across hundreds of your followers’ boards.

Before publishing a pin, check to see if the board is relevant to the pin’s subject. It is an integral part of Pinterest’s marketing strategy.

The platform’s algorithm considers a wide range of factors when determining a user’s position; therefore, doing so improves many of them.

Business profiles can benefit from the board’s subdivisions in several ways. The sections have no impact on search engine optimization, but they will help you track hundreds of pins, if not thousands. 

People who stumble across your board can get bored and go on if you haven’t properly categorized your pins. You need just link your pin with the right category to enhance the user experience.

Use SEO Keywords in Your Pin Descriptions

How to add SEO keywords to Pinterest pins? Let’s find out.

Like any other SEO strategy, your SEO strategy should center around value keywords that your target audience is actively seeking. 

You can get a sense of what your users are searching for by perusing the search phrase reports on Pinterest for business SEO offers.

In addition to the reports, predictive text in the search box is a fantastic resource for discovering short and long-tail keywords. The predictive text displays phrases similar to what you entered. 

Pinterest will also suggest other phrases. Fortunately, you can ignore these while making your pins. That’s back end will automatically deal with different spellings directing visitors to your pin.


Using Pinterest’s social media strategy, small businesses can more easily grow their loyal following and attract free, organic internet traffic, putting them on equal footing with their larger corporate competitors. 

You can increase your audience’s likelihood of purchasing from you by establishing credibility and trust with them on that.

If your marketing team needs to create multiple new pins and update them regularly for sharing on PT, finding time on a daily basis could be challenging. However, a PT marketing strategy will help you improve your traffic and brand awareness. This helps SEO not only for Google but for other search engines as well.

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