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Spot the Signs & Slay Your Website Redesign with these Tips

In today’s digital business environment, the website is the face of your brand or business. It is the online presence of your enterprise and makes the very first impression on your potential customers. Hence, it is necessary to ponder on the current situation of your website. Is it not keeping up with the growth of your brand, or is it representing the past and is not updated? So, this is your time to think about redesigning your website.

By redesigning, your website will get a fresh outlook and your business will get renewed. It will improve the user experience and will make your business more authentic and accessible to your customers. Indeed, it will bring new life into your venture. In this article, we will talk about the importance of redesigning your website, the significant strategies that you can execute while redesigning, how often should you redesign your website and when you must redesign your website. Hence, whether you are considering updating your website through any agency or redesigning it on your own, don’t miss this guide, as it has the best tips to support your website redesign.

According to a recent study, about 50 percent of online users perceive an updated and redesigned website as a hallmark of a compelling brand image. Suppose you have completed the brand overhaul, or you introduced your latest product in the industry, and you have a website redesign for that, whatever the case is. In that case, the redesign will do wonders for your efforts in marketing your enterprise. It is a difficult, complex, and tedious project. Therefore, you must have a clear vision and objective prior to redesigning. Every redesign must take place in order to fulfill a vision or to solve any problem. These two elements will be greatly effective in your struggle of redesigning and will make the process easier and smoother.

Suppose your website is not responsive to multiple pieces of advice or is too old-fashioned. In that case, there are chances that it will lead to a pessimistic impression on your website’s visitors and will also affect the loyalty of customers. In this scenario, most of the time, few adjustments can rectify the problem. However, it is pertinent that one must invest time, money, and energy and get a redesign of their website in order to maintain the relevancy of their business. Here is a guide about web design services for small businesses and large enterprises, web redesign project plan, website redesign agency vs DIY and how often should you redesign your website.

Website Redesign 

It is defined as the process that involves updating the elements of your website (structure, design, format, content, and information) in order to improve accessibility and drive more visitors to your website. It is not about just changing the theme, brand image, fonts, and colors of your website. However, it also entails the opportunity to enhance the user experience and restructure the content and the overall format of your website. In the end, it is your choice as per the status of your website. Sometimes, you keep the same content and give a new and fresh look to your website through designing. Also, it can be a full overhaul where you transform the visual aspects of the website and bring a series of changes into it.

If you decide to rebuild your website from scratch in order to change the overall outlook and to stand in the competition, you are supposed to change the technology on which your website is running, which also affects its security, performance, and scalability. Whatever your website redesign project plan is, one thing that you must keep in mind is that while updating, always foresee, conduct extensive research, make careful decisions, and try to make it relevant for a long time. Hence, if you are looking forward to an answer to a query, how often should you redesign your website? There is no quantifiable number; rather, it is based on the need and the current status of your website. Also, how mindfully you execute a website redesign so that you can use it for a long time.

When Should You Redesign Your Website?

Website redesign is one of the most difficult decisions to make, as it involves a lot of effort, time, and energy. However, there are certain signs and clues, and if they appear or you observe them, trust me, it’s time for you to change the design of your website. Here are some tips to follow in order to make a strategic decision regarding your website redesign project plan:

  • If your website has old and boring fonts like Comic Sans, you must start seriously thinking about redesigning. It will entail that your brand is not aware of the latest trends that are relevant to your field of business.
  • While developing any website, it is significant to consider user experience, i.e., how smoothly the website can work for your potential customers and visitors or how user-friendly it is. In contrast, if a user feels difficulty in navigating your products or services, your contact information, or any other element, then it’s a clear sign that your business needs a website overhaul.
  • The dominant quality of a good website is the potential to convert visitors into customers. If your business is not doing well with clients and customers, one reason could be your outdated or not user-friendly website.
  • One of the major aspects of a good website is that it must be operative through all devices, i.e., it must be responsive and show a proper interface on mobile phones, tablets, smartwatches, and desktops. It is one of the crucial factors for improving website visitors. If your website lacks responsiveness on all devices that means you are in a difficult state in terms of the online presence of your business.
  • Another factor that contributes to a reason for redesigning your website is the “slow web experience.” If your website is not smooth and takes time to load or is it heavy due to the content on it, it makes it vulnerable, and the visitors often don’t wait for a long time to get the website loaded.
  • SEO is a crucial factor in increasing the visibility of your website. By doing the SEO, you make sure that your website is keeping up with the relevant trends and all the buzzwords that are currently being used in your field of business. Hence, if your website doesn’t have SEO, it cannot drive traffic, and it will seem outdated.

DIY vs. Agency Redesign

Now, if you have decided to redesign your website, here are the two options: redesigning it by yourself or hiring an agency to do it for you. Many companies offer web design services for small businesses as well as big enterprises. You can utilize any option according to your choice. However, here are a few things that you must keep in mind before opting for any of the two ways:

Time and Resources

If you have plenty of time to invest in your website makeover, you can go for a DIY approach. It will prove a cost-effective method. However, it can also be a hectic approach, and after spending a lot of time and effort, there is a risk involved, i.e., it may not end in the exact way you wanted it to be. In contrast, the agency can provide you with a professional-looking site in a short period, and it will be costly for you.

Skills Set 

A website redesign does not only involve the improvement of it; rather, you should keep in mind several factors while redoing it. These factors include SEO, user experience, website interface, loading time, and accessibility. If you are an expert and have a considerable amount of practical knowledge, you are good to go for making your website. However, if you are confused about these terms, then you definitely need to take web redesign services from an agency for the website.

Complexity of the Project

The website redesign is also highly dependent on the complexity of your website and the contents in it. It is easier to design a website that has simple information or blogs and articles. However, for the websites that sell products and services, there is a complex redesign needed. For such websites, it is better to get web redesign services from an agency.

Support and Maintenance

After launching a website, it is essential to maintain it on a regular basis. If you are designing the website by yourself, you must have enough time in the future to maintain it properly. Through the agency approach, these services are included in their package of redesigning.


Whether you desire to redesign your website through any agency or you want to adopt the DIY approach, it is significant that you have enough budget while opting for a former option. It is significant to note that website redesign cost is slightly higher than the other services. However, you can seek agencies that do web design services for small businesses.

How to redesign a website in 5 steps

After getting enlightened about the need to do a website redesign, you must be curious about what are the steps that are involved in redesigning your website if you are up to redesigning your website and have made up your mind about it. There are different methods to design the website, such as website redesign AI, and you can use website redesign tools as well. Here are a few easy steps that you must know before stepping into it.

  • First, thoroughly dive into your current website. Note down what you like in it and what you want to change it. Observe it from the user’s perspective and note down the drawbacks in it. You can navigate these factors by doing prior research in your industry.
  • The second step is that you must have a clear vision of how you want your website after redesigning. You must have specific goals and objectives in order to give it a redesign. It is very important to get clear on your goals related to your business.
  • Thirdly, you must search for ‘big names’ or ‘competitors’ in your industry. You must take inspiration from them and follow what is relevant and what is making their websites stand out and gain more business. In addition, you must look into website redesign examples as well.
  • It is also very significant you must have a clear map of the content, whether it will be text, images, videos, sliders, or any other sort of information that you want on your website. You must take notes of all the stuff that you desire to include in your website, and you must draw a map for it.
  • Last but not least, if you are confused about whether to DIY your website or want to acquire web redesign services from an agency, we recommend that you go for the website redesign agency. Web development and redesigning is a very vast and complex subject, and professionals have a better understanding of it. If you will get it done through website redesign agency, it will be more reliable and authentic. In the future, it will not create problems for you.

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